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I am Dr. Karen Serrao, Holistic Psychologist, Spiritual Response Therapy (ERT) Practitioner and member of the Spiritual Response Association (SRA). Certified Angelic Healing Therapist. Reiki Master and member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP). Health and Wellness Coach of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), Master Quantum Coach, Priestess of the Order of Melchizedek, Access Bar Practitioner, Professor of Thetahealing®, and a retired dentist. 

I am a curious person who believes that knowledge is infinite, so I am working on learning and getting certified in other Energy-Healing Modalities, which I will share with you all in the near future.

My intention is to help you using these techniques, to discover the beliefs, thoughts and emotions that prevent you from manifesting the reality you want, keep you blocked and do not allow you to move forward.

"It is through

and Compassion that we will be able to transform ourselves into better beings and find new meaning and purpose in life"

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Grounding Meditation is the perfect remedy for those who feel stressed, burdened with annoying emotions, too rushed, overloaded with work, burdened by events, terrified, annoyed, clumsy, or exhausted.

If you recognize yourself on this list, anchoring yourself will significantly help you feel better. I leave you this meditation as a gift so that you can practice it and improve your life.

Find the best therapy for you
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“Llegaste en un momento muy difícil de mi vida, respondiste preguntas que no me dejaban tranquila e hiciste que me llenara de una energía muy bonita.


Gracias infinitas Karen por ayudarme y atenderme siempre que te necesito”


—  Michelle S. 

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